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The answer to all AI things: 42 AI platforms to check out in 2024

Your Hitchhiker’s Mega Guide to AI Platforms. Dive in, see what goodies you can use in 2024 that are also no-code and AI-powered.

Remember when crafting a website was a coder's game? Forget that. Now, we've got Directual, Webflow, Bubble—a whole arsenal at our fingertips. Now anyone can jump into the AI pool. 

No-code web building's not new—shoutout to the blogger.com OGs of the '90s. But no-code AI? That's fresh. With the growing gang of low-to-no code AI tools popping up, it pays to know who's who. Not all tools are born equal. Some are a tough nut to crack for the non-tech crowd.

We've been down in the trenches, digging through dozens of no-code AI contenders. Many promise the moon but trip over their own laces. You want features? Sure, but say adios to simplicity. Ease-of-use? Cool, but brace for a hit in performance and real-deal value. Decisions, decisions.

This mega-guide is our two cents on the no-code AI platforms. Good luck!

No-code, AI, and building stuff.

Steve Jobs nailed it when he said the best code is the code you never write. Code's just a way to get somewhere. Even coders swear by the "D.R.Y." mantra—Don't Repeat Yourself. No-code cranks this up to eleven with visual interfaces on code stacks so you can mix and match pre-cooked elements.

You can now whip up a whole business on a no-code platform. Let's name drop a few no-code hotshots, shall we?

  • All-around no-code: Directual
  • Websites and landing pages: Webflow, Bubble, Carrd
  • Chatbots: Landbot, FlowXO, Chatbot.com
  • Mobile applications: Adalo, Mendix
  • Integrations: Zapier, Integromat
  • Databases: Airtable
  • Memberships: MemberStack, MemberSpace
  • E-Commerce: Shopify
  • Newsletters: Mailchimp, Mailjet

By 2024, over 65% of app development's gonna be low-code or no-code. We're talking a colossal $65 billion market cap by 2026. No escaping the citizen developer now!

Should you use AI in your business?

Quite a question. 

We've all been around the AI block, haven't we? It's in the news, it's fueling sci-fi fantasies, and it's probably the reason your pal's car will soon be able to park itself.

What's AI really? It's just a clever way to play with data, to ask the tough questions and actually get answers. Want to know what your average customer forks over? Or who's actually buying your stuff? Or if you're raking in more dough on weekdays or weekends? Stats at work.

When things get twisty, with variables influencing each other in weird, wacky ways, that's when machine learning enters the chat. Imagine running a retail store and trying to predict sales. You've got a lot of factors—the day, opening hours, how much you're shouting about your products, etc. That's the kind of puzzle machine learning loves to solve.

Take holidays, for example. They can send your sales skyrocketing, especially if it's a Friday. But Sunday? Might as well be a regular day. Machine learning's got this uncanny ability to sniff out these complex, sometimes wacky patterns all on its own. Not without a healthy portion of hallucinations, but it’s improving.

You've got a whole ocean of possibilities. Churn rates, employee turnover, lead conversions—you name it. Got a bunch of data in a CSV or lounging around in your Salesforce account? Good, use it! Sky’s the limit, really.

Companies have been riding the AI wave for ages. Take Sprint, way back in the early '90s—they were already using AI to detect out telephone fraud as it happened.

Fast forward to now, and AI's everywhere. Stroll into Walmart? You're greeted by an AI-calculated crew. Grab a Big Mac? You're a pixel in McDonald’s mega customer demand canvas. Flicking through Netflix, swiping on Tinder, or jamming on Spotify? You're dancing to AI's tune. Amazon’s AI nudge-nudge on what to buy next? That's up to 35% of their cash register ring.

That’s big boys with deep pockets here, with armies of data scientists crafting their own models. The price tag on this stuff for a normal guy? Astronomical. Global AI spend? Set to smash past $500 billion in 2023, says the International Data Corporation. Data scientist paychecks starting in the high five figures, it's no shocker AI spending is going stratospheric.

Here's the hard truth: SMEs can't play in the same big-money sandbox as the tech giants. Dropping a cool six figures on a data scientist? That's a pipe dream for a small fry trying to amp up sales, nail more leads, or stop customers from ghosting. 

Enter no-code AI! This is where "effortless" meets "affordable." Your tiny start too can outpace everyone else, if you’ve got the tools right. Speaking of…

AI no-code tools for 2024

Many categories, many types, many uses. One big list. Grab a cup of something, it’ll take a while. Let’s go!


A bit of a self-promotion, but what the heck. Imagine this: a ChatGPT plugin, kind of like a ReAct agent on steroids. It's a brainiac that processes and calls openapi methods, and it's smart enough to check data and ask for more if it needs to, all thanks to openapi docs.

You chat, it does stuff. But this time, it's for Directual projects.

Now, sometimes ChatGPT hits a snag with complex requests, especially if the method descriptions are more wordy than your aunt's holiday stories. That's when we switch gears and send the command to cook up a scenario in our own API kitchen.

Here's where the magic happens: our directual-ai module, trained on data that doesn't spill your secrets, takes a text description and whips up domain-specific language instructions. These get transformed in our backend into Directual logic instructions. Neat, huh?

So, what can D-GPT do? I

  • Cook up API endpoints you can tweak till they're just right.
  • Craft web pages that show off your shiny new API endpoints.
  • Create Directual scenarios with logic cubes that'll make your head spin.
  • Whip up web pages with components tied to an API endpoint.

And when this baby's in action, oof! See for yourself:


November 6th was a game-changer. OpenAI rolled out the red carpet for a shiny new ChatGPT, and the star of the show? Custom GPTs. They come tailor-made with custom prompts, a boatload of knowledge, and all the GPT trimmings—cook code, use DALL-E 3 for turning words into stunning visuals, and web-sleuthing skills. Any ChatGPT plus user can try.

These custom AIs could be your next business venture. OpenAI's even dangling the carrot of a public marketplace and a slice of the revenue pie. It’s fantastic tool with a myriad of applications. We can just hope it doesn’t implode on itself like it happens sometimes.


Over at Canva, they've came up with something special: Canva Magic Studio. You get to conjure up custom content, spruce up visuals, and animate like a pro—all from Canva's cozy corner. 

Magic Studio's got tricks up its sleeve: Magic Design for presentations, Magic Switch for playing with formats and languages, Magic Media for turning text into eye-candy, and Magic Write for crafting copy that's on-brand and on-point.


Then there's Adobe Firefly. High-quality images, snazzy text effects, color palettes—all from a simple text prompt, in over 100 languages. Want to play with images, tweak objects, or jazz up your words? Firefly's got you. 

Adobe's sprinkled its AI fairy dust over Adobe Express and Photoshop too, turning creative tasks into a walk in the park. It’s quite something when you try it yourself! Removing pimples on someone’s face has never been easier, truly.


Levity's the no-code AI knight in shining armor for your docs, images, and texts. Content moderation, sifting through insurance claims, and dissecting text messages. If your data's in a jungle, Levity's your heavy machete.

Syte AI

Syte AI the e-commerce sherpa, guiding you through the wilds of visual AI, NLP, and hyper-personalization. It's all about turbocharging your search and discovery game. 

Planning to build a recommender system that’s smarter than a fifth grader? Syte.ai's your guy.


Pecan AI, the predictive analytics. No need for a data science degree here. Got data that's more scrambled than an omelette? Pecan AI's your spatula—melding with your transaction data.


Causaly's got machine learning working with over 30 million papers, clinical trials, and side effect databases. Super niche? You bet. May not be very useful in your case, but hey, it’s pretty cool!


PredictNow.ai, the investment casino computing the chances of your next big win. A nitro boost for the tech-savvy investor looking to outpace the market. Do your own research before spending your money on yet another margin trade, though.


Accern, the heavyweight champ in the no-code finance ring with a price tag that’ll make your wallet sweat—think $60,000 a year on AWS for the premium ride. But here's the thing: Accern's packing a powerhouse of features—from credit risk and ESG investing to financial crimes analysis. If you're playing the high-stakes finance game, Accern's your pick.

That said, Accern is a lot more feature-rich than PredictNow.ai, with functions for credit risk, ESG investing, quantitative research, financial crimes analysis, and more. If you have heavy-duty finance needs, Accern is worth trying out.

Runway ML

RunwayML's the no-code AI assistant for the artsy crowd. A digital art studio on steroids, packed with tricks for images, videos, and texts. Want to create synthetic images that’ll make your eyes pop? Slice and dice objects in videos? RunwayML's got your back.

InVideo AI

InVideo AI's the dream machine for the YouTube maestros. 5,000+ templates, text-to-video sorcery, scriptwriting, scene-setting, voiceovers, and a sprinkle of customization magic. Whether you're a command-line cowboy or a full-throttle video editor, InVideo AI turns your ideas into eye candy.


Descript's is the easy button for content creation—video editing, podcast polishing, screen recording, you name it. Descript's AI chops mean you can edit videos by tweaking text, clone voices, pimp your audio to studio standards, and mess around with green screen effects. Solo artists or team players—it's your go-to for creating, cutting, and collaborating without breaking a sweat.


Lobe's Microsoft's intro to the image classification. Want to dip your toes into image classification without drowning in features? Lobe's your pick. It's easy, sure, but don't expect a theme park of features.

Google AI Platform

AutoML Vision, tabular AutoML, and other AI beasts. No Python wrangling required, so yeah, it's technically no-code. But user-friendly? Not by a long shot.

Google AutoML's like a high-maintenance diva. Setting it up? A marathon. Keeping it happy? A full-time job. That's why folks with AutoML chops are like gold dust. Employers are throwing big bucks just to have someone who can whisper sweet nothings to Google's AI.

Google's own guide is a trek—buckets, APIs, budgets, buttons, and levers. One wrong move could blow your budget sky-high with Cloud AutoML charges.

So, i's no-code with a Ph.D. Let's not even start on the wallet workout it gives you for model training.

IBM Watson 

IBM Watson might ring a bell for its trivia-crushing skills, but did you know Watson Studio Desktop is a no-code tool for building machine learning models? It's IBM's lesser-known brainchild. 

Sure, you can create, train, and deploy models, but don't expect to find a lot of integration tools.

Amazon SageMaker

Amazon SageMaker is in the same heavyweight league as Google's AI Platform. Prepping for SageMaker is like gearing up for a space mission—AWS setup, SageMaker Studio, IAM acrobatics, and a data scavenger hunt on Amazon S3. And that's just the warm-up. 

Microsoft Azure AI

Azure AI is a labyrinth of complexity, starting with a phone verification, a credit card handshake, and a personal info tango. Once you're in, it's a whirlwind of machine learning workspaces, compute creations, dataset uploads, and prediction tasks. 

Hop on Azure's AI ride, and you're signing up for an epic journey. Azure's is going neck-and-neck with Google and Amazon SageMaker.


H2O.ai's the heavyweight in the traditional AutoML ring. Fancy a spin? Sign up for their "Driverless AI Test Drive." Strapping into H2O's AI ride could set you back over $500 a month in AWS bills. Be warned.


Next up in the AutoML slugfest is C3.AI—fresh off their IPO. Want a sneak peek? Tough luck. C3.AI's keeping its cards close, no hands-on trials. With a client roster packed with big names though, you bet it’s worth a try if you’ve got the money for it.


Splunk, the behemoth in AutoML, worth a cool $30 billion. They've got this thing called the "Machine Learning Toolkit," or MLTK . Sure, you don't need to code, but you'll need to get chummy with SPL (Search Processing Language) commands. So, while it's in the no-code club, it's not exactly holding hands with simplicity.


DotData's sports the "AutoML 2.0" badge, boasting about its feature engineering. Most of the other players in the game have got some of that sparkler action too.

DotData's pitching itself to the BI and Analytics crowd, so while it's got some no-code, it's not exactly the new kid on the block in terms of simplicity.


DataRobot is a big fish in the AutoML pond, but brace yourself—it's got a price tag that'll make your wallet weep. On AWS, you're looking at shelling out a whopping $100,000 a year. Sure, it's decked out with no-code features, but it's eyeing the tech titans—analytics chiefs, data scientists, the IT brigade. Because if you're dropping six figures on a tool, you better have someone who knows which buttons to press.

Auger AI

Auger AI is laser-focused on outsmarting the rest in predictive model accuracy. They're all about hitting the bullseye, but don't expect a full carnival of features. When it comes to weaving AI into your workflow, Auger AI's more of a teaser than a showstopper.


BigML's playing in the AI modeling sandbox but isn't keen on the whole integration game. If you're the kind of tech-savvy soul who dreams in algorithms and models, BigML's your choice. But if you're just dipping your toes in the AI waters, brace yourself for a bit of a climb.


MLJar is yet another member of the modeling club, doing the heavy lifting in feature engineering, algorithm selection, and even the paperwork part—documentation and explanations. But don't expect it to hold your hand through the entire journey; it's more of a 'build it and figure out the rest yourself' kind of tool.


Dataiku is a jack-of-all-trades—data integration, pipeline construction, visual stuff, and number crunching. Newbies, rejoice! Dataiku's drag-and-drop interface is as user-friendly as it gets. For the pros? Roll up your sleeves and dive into Python and R right within Dataiku.

Feature-wise, Dataiku's serves everything from data prep to machine learning and deployment. Need to scrub data clean, transform it, or add some flavor? Dataiku's your kitchen.


Noogata's just bagged a cool $16 million in Series A, and they're on a mission to democratize AI with their end-to-end, no-code platform. They're tearing down the tech barriers, making AI a piece of cake for the business crowd, no matter if you can't tell a line of code from a line of poetry.

Their platform's has pre-built AI blocks—ready for play in predictive maintenance, unmasking fraudsters, or slicing up customer segments. Business folks, just drag, drop, and watch your AI dreams take shape.


Mutiny! Fresh off a $50 million Series B win, they're all about using AI to crank up conversion rates and amp up engagement. Ready-to-roll data integrations, AI that knows your audience better than you do, and a visual editor for sprucing up your site. 

Plus, they've got machine learning playing copywriter, churning out headlines that grab eyeballs and wallets.


Kinetix is a startup that's making waves with $11 million in seed funding. They're bringing no-code AI to the world of 3D animation. No expertise needed here; just feed them a video and voilà—you get your own 3D animated avatars. Perfect for gaming, social media, or even jazzing up customer service. Very big in Web3 world, too.


Evisort's embeds AI into the contract jungle to tame it—from data extraction to analysis and approvals. Evisort's AI is detects risks and opportunities both. With their no-code workflow service, it's like having a team of lawyers in your pocket, minus the hourly rate.

Pyramid Analytics

Then there's Pyramid Analytics, strutting onto the scene with a whopping $120 million Series E. They're the brainiacs turning business intelligence and analytics into a walk in the park. Their platform's got machine learning and AI doing the heavy lifting—crunching numbers, spitting out reports, and decking out dashboards. 

Their no-code platform dishes out AI-generated explanations, so you can deep-dive into your data right away.


Lang.ai's just raked in a nifty $10.5 million in Series A dough, and they're all about cranking up the gears in customer support automation. They're the puppeteers pulling the strings behind the scenes, tackling tasks like tagging to decode customer behavior. Fancy a bit of Zendesk or Intercom mix? Lang's platform plugs right in. Fully no-code, which we love.


Twixor is a conversational AI for CX. Twixor's no-code platform makes building and deploying chatbots a breeze. Say goodbye to customer support headaches and hello to smooth, automated conversations. Not affiliated by the way, but we do like the funny name and what they do.


Druid AI makes building chatbots easy. They've just scored a hefty $15 million in Series A funding, and they're not just sitting pretty. Druid's already a hot favorite with the big guns like UiPath and Orange. With this fresh stack of cash, they’re making chatbot building a cakewalk for everyone.

AI Squared

AI Squared's led by an ex-spy from the National Security Agency, no less. They've bagged $6 million in seed funding to make AI as easy as pie for companies, linking AI to everyday business apps without the usual tech migraine. They're tackling the "last-mile" problem head-on—that tricky bit where companies actually start using AI without tripping over the tech hurdles.

Neptune Software

Already a big shot in low-code enterprise app development, Neptune Software just upped their game with a new trick: an AI-augmented no-code app builder. It’s pretty neat!


E42's reinventing AI with a human-first twist. They're rolling out the red carpet for "AI co-workers," cooked up with Finance Tech Unlimited and MonAmI, tackling the grunt work so you can zero in on the big picture stuff. It's not about replacing humans; it's about giving them a leg up. We’ll how this truly turns out though.


Flagright, stepping into the compliance circus—a world getting more tangled and expensive by the minute. GDPR, remote work, post-pandemic chaos—it's a compliance mess. They're all about transaction monitoring with a pay-as-you-go twist. Their no-code console means you can wrangle compliance without calling in the big guns. 


Finally, theres Dublin's pride, Webio. Need to chat with customers over SMS, WhatsApp, or beyond? Webio's your guy. With their latest cash injection from Finch Capital, they're set to spread their wings and sprinkle a little more of that no-code magic around.

Is AI the right thing to invest in?

You could be as non-technical as they come and still whip up AI models while munching on your sandwich. It's no longer about sweating over which AI tool to pick. The real deal? How you use it, how creatively you play the game.

In this no-code revolution, Directual's D-GPT is your advantage. Just give it a text prompt, and watch it conjure up scalable apps of any kind. 

Before you dive into the no-code AI pool, get clear on your use-case. Know your goals, understand your needs. Then let Directual's D-GPT do the heavy lifting. Totally not pitching too hard, yes.


If your compass is pointing towards Directual, you're in for a treat. Drop a line to hello@directual.com or check out the community links waiting for you in the footer. Let’s get your AI-driven project started today!


Является ли Directual AI no-code платформой?
Является ли Directual AI no-code платформой?

AI no-code платформы, такие как Directual, позволяют пользователям, не обладающим техническими знаниями, создавать сложные ИИ-приложения с помощью текстовых запросов, не путаясь в сложностях программирования. Directual's D-GPT от Directual упрощает этот процесс, делая ИИ доступным для всех.

Могут ли no-code инструменты c искусственным интеллектом быть вариантом для малого и среднего бизнеса?
Могут ли no-code инструменты c искусственным интеллектом быть вариантом для малого и среднего бизнеса?

С платформами такими как Directual малый и средний бизнес может быстро развертывать приложения на основе искусственного интеллекта, преобразуя способы работы с данными и автоматизации процессов.

Являются ли no-code инструменты c ИИ гибкими?
Являются ли no-code инструменты c ИИ гибкими?

Безусловно. Предприятия могут создавать приложения всего за несколько кликов. Например, Directual's D-GPT от Directual позволяет создавать приложения на основе простых текстовых запросов. Это означает, что компании могут разрабатывать уникальные решения для анализа данных, обслуживания клиентов или оперативного управления.

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