Directual has always been a perfect choice for low-coding a backend of a web or mobile app. But, bearing in mind our motto to “let people create”, we started working on Directual Web-page builder. Moreover, we decided to make it open-source—to let every front-end developer be able to build new web-components for interface constructor. So, meet Directual Design — the basic open-source React-components library!
What is Directual Web-page builder?
Web-page builder (see the documentation) is a platform module for creating app web-interface. As you might know, a lot of apps were created on React + Directual. This is great, but our long-term strategy is to make app building as easy as possible. Thus, interface-builder is essential part of Directual platform.
In April we released a public cloud version of the platform. There you could find an early alfa-version of web-page builder with simple (vanillaJS-based) page components. Today we are happy to announce the significant update—web page builder operates with sophisticated user-friendly interface components (React-based). The first component to be introduced is the interactive form. More to come soon!
The main feature of Directual web-page builder is that you can either use Directual portal as a template for you app or embed pages into your web app (for example, Webflow-based).
Directual Design library
App backend can be described with a few basic scenario steps: edit object, create object, search, and conditional step. Thanks to that Directual scenarios are great for building almost any back-end logic.
In contrast with a backend, the variety of use cases in front-end development is immense. That motivated us to make our front-end part of the platform open source. We’ve called that project Directual Design. It stands on the following principles:
Providing developers with high-quality React-components which they can apply in their projects. You are free to choose any backend technology, but Directual has proved to be the highly efficient one.
Engaging developers in using Directual web-page builder. If you face a need for a new specific component, you can develop it yourself and then add to the library.
Adding your own components
Using web-page builder turns out to be highly efficient for professional developers as well as business users. There is no any infrastructure messing up at all! If you want to create new component , you are welcome to contribute in Directual Design library! Feel free to reach us out by email or on community forum. We are happy to help!
What to expect?
We are working hard to solve our users’ problems with Directual web-page components. Here is a preliminary short-list of coming interface pieces:
Interactive table;
Cards view;
List for rating, feature requesting and voting;
and more…
What is Directual Design and how does it work with Directual Web-page builder?
What is Directual Design and how does it work with Directual Web-page builder?
Directual Design is an open-source React-components library that allows developers to create web-components for the Directual Web-page builder. With Directual Design, developers can create high-quality React-components and use them in their projects.
What are the benefits of using Directual Design's open-source React-components library?
What are the benefits of using Directual Design's open-source React-components library?
Directual Design's open-source React-components library provides developers with high-quality components that they can use in their projects. It also enables them to engage with Directual Web-page builder, a platform module for creating app web-interface, making app building as easy as possible.
What new interface pieces can users expect from Directual's web-page builder?
What new interface pieces can users expect from Directual's web-page builder?
Users can expect a range of new interface pieces from Directual's web-page builder, including an interactive table, profile, cards view, chat, and list for rating, feature requesting and voting, among others.
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