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Directual and NEAR

We’re happy to introduce NEAR support in our Directual platform! The NEAR Protocol eliminates the barriers to web3 adoption. It supports high speeds and low fees. Now you can integrate your Directual-based apps with NEAR blockchain with a freshly backed plugin. Moreover, you can find NEAR among payment methods!

What is NEAR

Near Protocol is a blockchain on Proof-of-Stake, launched in 2020. That is a decentralized platform made for DApps (distributed apps) development. NEAR is a cool technology, supported by a global community of developers and creatives. You can find some more details below.

Near is furiously fast. It can process up to 100 000 transactions per second. The average transaction completion takes about 1 second to complete, thanks to 1-second block creation. Furthermore, the gas price (the cost of a transaction) is supposed to be insanely low, up to 10 000 times lower than on Ethereum (nevertheless, there is an Ethereum plugin for Directual).

NEAR is made for the newbies in the blockchain world. Regular users don’t face any difficulties creating a wallet on NEAR — it looks like a regular sign up process. There is a comfortable system of wallet titles — instead of abstract Bitcoin-like addresses, users can have readable wallet addresses (e.g. directual.near).

NEAR wallet

Also there is a crypto-currency token $NEAR, which is used on Near Protocol. It is not a stable-coin, the price may vary over time.

NEAR Directual plugin

We are excited to introduce the NEAR plugin for Directual v1.0. It includes fetching transactions from the Near blockchain. You can find it in the plugin section on the platform.

We’ve recently used that plugin while developing our new Directual billing on the platform itself.

Using NEAR-plugin in Directual scenarios

Top up your Directual account with NEARs

Having introduced the plugin, we’ve added an option to top up a Directual account using NEAR tokens! As you may remember, 1 D-coin equals 1 US$, the NEAR exchange rate is fetched from near.org.

Adding funds to Directual account using NEAR tokens

Here is a bonus for those who made it this far! Top up your Directual account using NEAR by the end of 2022 and we’ll double your balance! Jokes aside — no limits!

What’s next

As you may see, that is just the beginning! Soon we’ll add more features for integration with this fantastic blockchain, including:

  • App users authentication;
  • Calling smart contracts from scenarios;
  • Token transfers (performing transactions);
  • Additional utilities, useful for building apps based on Directual+NEAR.

Stay tuned for updates, or better yet, start building your own blockchain projects with Directual! If you’ve got any questions, we’ll be happy to help you out. Just shoot a message to hello@directual.com and let’s chat!


What is Directual and how does it work with NEAR blockchain?
What is Directual and how does it work with NEAR blockchain?

Directual is a full-stack no-code platform perfect for building both software projects and dApps. Near is a powerful blockchain with lots of capabilities. With NEAR, dApps on Directual are easy to build.

How easy is it to use Directual and Near for building dApps?
How easy is it to use Directual and Near for building dApps?

Pretty easy. The integration is already there, all you need is a bit of know-how and experimentation if you’ve never done it before. If you have at least some knowledge about no-coding and blockchain, it’ll be super easy.

What kind of applications can be built using Directual and Near blockchain?
What kind of applications can be built using Directual and Near blockchain?

You can use Directual and NEAR to build a wide range of dApps. Exchanges, wallet systems, crypto-enabled projects, and so much more.

What are the benefits of using Directual and NEAR together?
What are the benefits of using Directual and NEAR together?

By using Directual with NEAR blockchain's secure and decentralized storage and processing capabilities, users can create truly awesome dApps. Not only that, but the integration of blockchain opens up new use cases that were previously not possible. Mix and match centralized and decentralized features faster and better than you could elsewhere.

How can I get started with using Directual and NEAR?
How can I get started with using Directual and NEAR?

First, register an account with Directual and look around. There is a marketplace template you can use, and connecting to NEAR is a breeze from there. Directual also has a ton of learning materials on no-code and YouTube videos that will take you step-by-step through the entire process.

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