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¿Por qué Directual?


/ Nikita Navalikhin

Сооснователь и технический директор Directual

Настоящий эксперт в криптовалюте, программной архитектуре, web3 и, в свободное время, в каллиграфии. Прежде чем стать соучредителем Directual, Никита работал в крупных компаниях, таких как Deutsche Bank, МТС и других известных организациях.
Настоящий эксперт в криптовалюте, программной архитектуре, web3 и, в свободное время, в каллиграфии. Прежде чем стать соучредителем Directual, Никита работал в крупных компаниях, таких как Deutsche Bank, МТС и других известных организациях.

Blog posts by

Никита Навалихин

New platform features. September 2020

This autumn turns out to be fruitful! Meet such new gorgeous features as Cards view component for Web-page builder, JSON-step for scenarios, Form component improvements and new integrations! These features allow you to create sophisticated apps even more easily.

Directual Design—an open-source front-end project

Directual has always been a perfect choice for low-coding a backend of a web or mobile app. But, bearing in mind our motto to “let people create”, we started working on Directual Web-page builder. Moreover, we decided to make it open-source—to let every front-end developer be able to build new web-components for interface constructor. So, meet Directual Design — the basic open-source React-components library!

New feature. Comments in scenarios

You'll find the new feature in the latest Platform release—comments in scenarios. We consider this piece of functionality as extremely important and useful. Directual scenarios become easy-to-read.

Why IT teams should embrace low-code?

Today’s modern world demands digitalisation and best of the best IT products from pretty much any company or enterprise. It is from this perspective that IT Departments are facing tough challenges which can be dealt with by implementing low-code technology.

Case studies by

Никита Навалихин

Case study. Electronic catalogue for Schlumberger

Being a renowned innovator in Oil&Gas, Schlumberger chose Directual as a basic technology for its Electronic Catalogue solution. Thanks to the low-code approach the application was delivered in a minimal time-to-market. All the business needs were met, because Directual low-code platform does not have any significant functional limitations.

Lessons by

Никита Навалихин

How to Create a Telegram Bot With No Coding?

Ever wondered how to create your own awesome Telegram bot without having to learn to program? This short article will give you a complete walkthrough of the process—with the added bonus of using Telegram bots with Directual.

Platform comparisons by

Никита Навалихин

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