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Are no-code platforms like Directual compliant and secure?

April 30, 2024

Thinking no-code platforms will run away with your data? Think again, or better yet—read this and it’ll help you sleep at night.

Many bosses and IT folks are worried about keeping their data safe. They think platforms like Directual just can't cut it when the data is too sensitive. Here’s the real scoop.

Keeping data secure is obviously important for companies, especially when they're making apps and managing information. Nobody wants a data leak on their hands. And in fields like healthcare or finance, sticking to tough rules is a must. That's why platforms such as Directual sometimes get the side-eye.

Can these platforms handle security stuff like encryption, managing who gets access, or keeping track of changes? And what happens when folks who aren’t tech gurus start throwing together apps? People worry that whipping up a quick app prototype is one thing, but crafting serious apps for internal use that deal with customer data is a whole other ball game.

There’s a grain of truth in these concerns, so it’s not totally off base. But it’s not completely cut and dry either. Let’s take a look-see.

Governance in no-code (and what that is) 

No-code governance is something you have to keep in mind—if you don’t want your no-code efforts to backfire. So, what is no-code governance anyway? It’s all about the rules, practices, and checks that keep the no-code development in line. Mainly, it's there to make sure everything stays orderly, meets industry norms, and lines up with what your organization is aiming to achieve.

Basically, no-code governance acts like a referee. It keeps the development on the straight and narrow, controls the chaos, minimizes risks, and makes sure the apps you build aren’t just quick but also secure and up to snuff.

Going forward, we’ll dig into why governance matters so much, especially when it comes to staying compliant and secure in the world of no-code. We'll look at who does what in a no-code team, how no-code fits with your old systems, and why being able to scale matters. Each part is key for running a tight ship in the no-code sea.

First up, let’s tackle why sticking to rules and keeping things secure in no-code development is something you really need to get right.

No-code compliance

Compliance isn’t just a buzzword; it's a big deal, especially in no-code development where platforms like Directual are used. There are all these laws and standards that say how software needs to be built and kept up. No-code governance is what makes sure everyone’s playing by the rules.

Data privacy. With everyone freaked out about data privacy these days, rules like GDPR and HIPAA are non-negotiable. No-code governance makes sure your apps aren’t playing fast and loose with data protection.

Accessibility standards. If your app can't be used by someone with disabilities, then you’ve got to fix that. No-code governance guides the creation and testing of apps to make sure they’re accessible to everyone.

Industry regulations. Different industries have their own rulebooks. Take the financial sector, for instance, they’ve got to follow tough rules like PCI DSS to keep things tight. If you’re doing something medical, HIPAA is a must.

No-code data protection

The same extends to data.

Threat mitigation. The first job of governance is to spot security threats and squash them—think data breaches, cyberattacks, and unauthorized snooping.

Data encryption. You have to encrypt data, whether it’s sitting idle or flying across the internet. Governance helps nail down the how-to of encryption.

Authentication. Governance also helps set up strong security checks to ensure that only the right people get to access sensitive data and features.

Good governance sorts out everyone’s roles and responsibilities, making sure the team works together without stepping on each other’s toes, all while keeping the project in line with legal and security standards.

The security benefits of no-code platforms

If your organization decides to whip up an app in-house, you’re stuck dealing with all the security headaches yourself. But with a no-code platform like Directual, you've got a whole security team on tap to handle that mess.

You also get a support team to help you set up your app right, minimizing any security gaps. Generally, big security blunders are pretty rare with no-code platforms  because they're engineered to dodge the usual security pitfalls you find in DIY software.


In super-regulated fields like healthcare, financial services, or the military, you might need a no-code platform that lets you host everything yourself to keep tight control over your data. Even finding a no-code platform that lets you ensure something like HIPAA compliance can be a tough hunt.

Is opting for multiple no-code platforms an option?

No-code often gets woven right into the SaaS platforms everyone’s already hooked on. Big names like Salesforce are practically turning into no-code providers—they're less about selling software and more about dishing out platforms that anyone can tweak.

Then there’s the grassroots stuff. Sometimes, you've got a savvy worker who starts rigging up no-code solutions to streamline some niche part of the business or stitch together various tools. And then there are platforms like Directual, aimed at professional developers, that get pulled into the mix.

Organizations that are really serious about this citizen development craze might set up a dedicated team and throw all their chips in with one platform. And while platforms targeting developers might push for more of this one-stop-shop approach, the reality is “different platforms are better for different jobs,” as they say. So, you end up with a bunch of different platforms all coexisting within the same company.

Using multiple vendors: the drawbacks

So, what happens when no-code is everywhere? Well, no-code or not, the apps it produces are still just apps, with all the usual issues. 

Immature CI/CD pipelines. A lot of no-code platforms don’t have the polished CI/CD processes you’d expect (Directual has it sorted, though!). Maybe you can’t even separate environments or automate testing properly. It’s like trying to build a house with no blueprints—there’s no consistent method to move from dev to production securely.

Opaque underlying codebases. In old-school coding, you do your own security checks to make sure the apps are tight. This includes everything from pre-deployment scans to catching bugs during operation. No-code? Not so much. These platforms do their own thing, often without standard practices, and they keep the guts—like the underlying code and Git—under wraps.

Lack of visibility. With no-code, you’re basically flying blind. Logs? Might as well be non-existent. Setting up real-time monitoring? Good luck with that. This means you’re missing out on the tools that help you spot and fix issues fast. Again, not the case with Directual, but bears keeping in mind if you’re mixing it with something else as well.

Lack of unified policies. Trying to sync up authorization and permissions across various no-code platforms is a nightmare. Each vendor has their own set of toys and doesn’t play well with common tools like OPA for setting rules. This fragmentation makes it hard to ensure you’re following best practices across the board.

How to secure multiple no-code solutions

No-code can really open up some creative doors. But with all the risks we just talked about, what should IT be doing to keep things tight, especially when juggling multiple platforms along with Directual? Here's a blunt rundown of steps to get cybersecurity folks on the right track.

Bring no-code under the security umbrella. If you haven’t already, get no-code in line with the rest of your security protocols. It’s got to be part of the security team’s job description to handle this stuff. Shift the responsibility to pros who know how to deal with threats.

Know your battlefield. You can’t protect what you don’t know about. So, start by boosting your visibility across each no-code platform you use. Try to grab as many logs as you can and pull your analysis together in one place.

Set up automated guardrails. Pinpoint your risks and put some automatic safety nets in place for your no-code users—this is necessary if you’ve got non-techies building apps (aka citizen developers). Use something like the OWASP framework to understand common risks and how to dodge them. And always design permissions with the “least privilege” rule in mind to cut down on risks like data leaks or user impersonation.

Tackle gaps in the development cycle. Even though no-code platforms like Directual give you the tools to secure your apps, it’s still on you to make sure they’re being used safely. Cybersecurity teams should be constantly checking the no-code development life cycle to make sure there aren’t any vulnerabilities lingering around.

Scaling safely with a no-code solution 

As your business gets bigger, your apps need to keep up. Directual can help ensure that your no-code applications are ready to grow with you. Here’s what you need to keep in mind:

Infrastructure scaling. Governance sets the rules for beefing up your tech as your app collection grows. This means your infrastructure needs to scale up smoothly without hiccups.

Code structure. Governance nudges developers towards building code that can grow without dropping in performance or compromising security. It’s about making sure your app can handle more without breaking a sweat.

Optimization. Governance isn’t just watching over things; it's about actively finding ways to make your apps run better as they expand.

Protocols. This isn't about whether their sales team is charming but about solid stuff like compliance with standards like SOC 2 and GDPR. Can you keep your data on your own servers, or must it live in their cloud? Where is the data physically stored? Is there a dedicated security team? Positive answers mean your platform of choice is likely equipped to handle serious business needs. 

Want to see how security is handled in Directual in a real-life scenario? See our CEO Pavel Ershov explain how this work, together with Dmitry Novozhilov (it’s must-watch!):


It's way too easy and lazy to just say no-code platforms like Directual can’t handle sensitive data. Unless your business is neck-deep in regulations—like healthcare or finance—and you really need to mess with sensitive data, there are plenty of heavy-duty no-code options out there. Often, the security these platforms offer is one of the main perks of using them.

Want to learn more about Directual and how it handles security? Come ask us personally—the links to the communities are in the footer below.


Can no-code platforms like Directual handle sensitive data securely?
Can no-code platforms like Directual handle sensitive data securely?

Yes, no-code platforms such as Directual are designed to handle sensitive data with security measures like data encryption, user authentication, and compliance with industry standards.

What is no-code governance and why is it important?
What is no-code governance and why is it important?

No-code governance refers to the set of rules, practices, and controls that ensure no-code development stays organized, compliant, and aligned with organizational goals. It keeps the development process secure, minimizing risks, and ensuring that applications meet industry standards.

How to manage multiple no-code platforms securely?
How to manage multiple no-code platforms securely?

Integrate them under unified security protocols with logging and monitoring, setting up automated security guardrails, and maintaining checks throughout the no-code development life cycle. These steps help prevent data leaks and ensure compliance across different platforms.

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