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New feature. Comments in scenarios

May 2, 2020

You'll find the new feature in the latest Platform release—comments in scenarios. We consider this piece of functionality as extremely important and useful. Directual scenarios become easy-to-read.

Let scenarios talk

In fresh 7.1.9 version (released on the 2nd of May) you can see the new system step — Comment. Directual scenarios like traditional code are more often being read than being composed. Comments in the text of programme always help to realise the logic. So the crucial part of scenarios has been missed, and today we’ve fixed that.

We recommend our users to add comments to their scenarios for better readability. It also seems to be extremely useful for teamwork. Your teammate shouldn’t get through each and every step to come up with the logic of a scenario—a couple of comments will keep him in the loop!


What is the new feature in Directual's latest Platform release and how does it work?
What is the new feature in Directual's latest Platform release and how does it work?

The latest Directual Platform release, version 7.1.9, introduces a new system step called Comment. This feature allows users to add comments to their scenarios for better readability and team collaboration. Simply put, the Comment step functions as a way to provide clarity and context to your Directual scenarios.

How can adding comments to scenarios benefit teamwork in Directual?
How can adding comments to scenarios benefit teamwork in Directual?

Adding comments to scenarios is a great way to improve teamwork in Directual. By including a few comments here and there, you can save your teammates time and energy that would have been spent trying to understand the logic behind each step of a scenario. It's a quick way to keep everyone in the loop and make sure that everyone is on the same page.

Why are comments considered a crucial part of Directual scenarios and how do they improve readability?
Why are comments considered a crucial part of Directual scenarios and how do they improve readability?

Comments are a crucial part of Directual scenarios because they improve readability and help users to understand the logic behind each step. By providing context and clarification, comments make it easier for users to navigate and comprehend even the most complex scenarios. Ultimately, comments lead to more efficient and effective no-code app development in Directual.

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