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Creating an employee portal with no-code

March 14, 2024

Imagine HR as a wild jungle. A bit more civilized though, thanks to the order of no-code development. See how you too can tame it.

Strong organizations are swamped with HR chores like updating info and handling admin stuff. With more people working remotely, it's a mess. They need tools to deal with changing work setups and policies on the fly. 

Can you make HR life easier and keep everyone happy? Building personalized employee portals might just do the trick, and for that, you need the right tool for the job. Directual is precisely that.

What is a custom employee portal?

An employee portal is a website or app where workers can check their pay, taxes, and work stuff. They can also do cloud HR things like ask for time off or get money back for expenses. Basically, it lets people handle their own admin crap, cutting down on HR's headaches. 

They can change passwords, get their payslips, keep up with their hours, and deal with expenses without bugging HR. Of course, a lot of this functionality has to be intimately intertwined, integrated with other systems, and scalable. 

What are the benefits of custom employee portals?

ESS portals make life easier for everyone at work. Here’s why they’re good:

No more waiting

Employees get pissed waiting on HR for every little thing. With a self-service portal, they check their leave balance, update personal details, and more—anytime, reducing dependency on HR.

Mistakes? What mistakes?

HR is human, so they mess up sometimes. When employees handle their own updates, errors drop big time.

Keeps everyone in the loop

It’s a pain to spread news company-wide. ESS portals sned notifications, making sure everyone’s up to speed without a hassle.

Everything in one spot

Integrating ESS with what you already have means less chaos. Employees find what they need without digging through a dozen systems.

Makes work less boring

A cool portal with snappy content and quick access to info makes employees more likely to engage, boosting their mood and involvement. Add some fun to it, and watch morale improve. If such a thing is even possible.

Skip this (if you can) in your HR portal, please

Is no-code good for HR portals?

No-code app development is a fast track to getting apps up and running, way quicker than old-school coding. Here's why it's a good choice for building employee portals without a headache:

Easy mix with old stuff

Got a mess of employee info spread all over? No-code makes it easy to pull it all together. Forget about the bad old days when employees needed a zillion passwords to find basic stuff. 

No-code hooks up with all your data spots, like databases and APIs, without a fuss. It lets employees get what they need from one place.


Traditional coding is a marathon of building everything bit by bit, which sucks up time and energy. With no-code, it’s so fast. Drag-and-drop, pre-built bits, and templates mean you can whip up a portal fast, test it, and tweak it without burning out your team.

Saves your wallet

Using what you've got and skipping the hiring frenzy means no-code is kinder to your budget. Plus, apps built this way tend to rake in more cash compared to the old methods.

Grow without groaning

Need to add new features or handle more users? Legacy systems made this a nightmare. No-code platforms are all about growth. They let you easily expand your portal as your company and its needs evolve, without starting from scratch every time.

No-code makes building employee portals less of a pain, saving time, money, and sanity while making everything work together.

Case in point

UFG Wealth Management, Eastern Europe's first Family Office, caters to the rich with tailor-made investment, legal, and financial services. They've thrown together a web app to improve how they handle their staff. This app, a blend of Directual for the heavy lifting in the backend and React for the user-facing side, makes things smoother around the office.

The app's features are straightforward:

  • An employee directory that lets you sift through employee profiles, aimed at making the company seem more open
  • A Personal Development Plan tool that helps employees set their work goals, topped up with the review and feedback process automation
  • A feedback and 360-assessment feature meant to improve teamwork—it gathers input from various sources for a detailed performance review

They picked Directual for its flexibility to keep up with their ever-changing needs. UFG also praised Directual for letting them craft a product that’s a good fit for their operations, without the limitations commonly found in other platforms.

Steps to building HR portals with no-code

To build a kickass employee portal with no-code, here's the simple blueprint:

Figure out what you need

Start by listing everything your portal must have—employee info, how it'll connect to other systems, rules on who can see what, and so on.

Pick a no-code platform

This is the heart of your project. Find a no-code tool that fits your list of needs. Chat with the platform's nerds, see a demo, and make sure it's a match. Directual’s your best bet, but hey, who doesn’t like to shop around for a little bit?

Make it look good

The best part about no-code is the stash of ready-to-go designs and the drag-and-drop magic. Either start from zero or use what’s there to whip up a slick-looking portal fast.

Hook up your data

The portal needs to talk smoothly to other data sources. Set up connections so your data flows easily and your portal always shows the latest info.

Set who sees what

Some stuff is top secret. Make sure only the right eyes see sensitive info by setting up clear permission rules.

Test and tweak

Keep testing and asking users what they think. Use the feedback to make the portal better until it's just right.

Launch it

Once it's polished, roll it out. Keep an eye on how it's doing and be ready to adjust as needed.

That's how you use no-code to throw together an employee portal that doesn't suck. Look easy on paper, but in reality, things tend to get a little bit more complicated. Which why is no-code is so good—the problems are so much easier to spot and fix.

Is it easy to start from scratch?

Directual is a no-code beast that lets you slap together internal tools like ESS portals without getting tangled in a web of different data sources and APIs. Plus, you can throw in your own JavaScript magic for that custom touch.

Here's the lowdown on what makes Directual your go-to for crafting an ESS portal:

Fancy visuals without the headache

Directual’s got this sweet visual setup that lets you drag and drop your way to an eye-catching portal. No need to sweat over coding the UI; grab controls like charts and tables, and make your portal pretty.

Skip the start-from-scratch blues

Jump into Directual's stash of templates and piece together your portal in no time. Connect all your scattered data while you’re at it. These templates are your shortcut to getting your portal out there faster.

Keep nosy parkers out

With all sorts of folks accessing your portal, you gotta be strict about who sees what. Directual lets you set up a fortress of user permissions so everyone stays in their lane.

Mix and match data like a pro

Got employee data all over the place? Directual’s integration powers mean you can pull it all together smoothly, making sure your portal’s always serving up the freshest data.

SSO setup

Directual lets you hook up your SSO (Single Sign-On) so you can get your employees onboard without manually entering each one. It’s quick, so you’re not wasting time.

Your brand, your portal

Want an ESS portal that screams your brand? Directual’s got you. Plus, you can park it on your own domain. They tailor plans to fit what you need, too.

Lock it down

Dealing with sensitive info means you can't mess around with security. Directual is tight on security and ticks off all the compliance boxes so you can chill.

Get it everywhere

Build once, use everywhere. Directual ensures your employee portal works both as a slick web app and a mobile app, no compromises on how it runs or looks.

Build employee portals with Directual

Directual makes it dead simple to whip up a custom employee self-service portal without the usual coding circus. It's all about dragging, dropping, and getting it done so your employees actually want to use it while you save on development headaches.

Here’s how to roll with Directual to get your ESS portal live:

Sketch out your portal needs

Decide what your portal should do, like showing pay stubs, letting folks ask for time off, updating personal info, and checking out the latest company gossip.

Kick off a new Directual project

Jump into Directual and start throwing together your portal. Thanks to its no-code platform, adding bits like forms, tables, and whatever else feels like playing with Lego. Super intuitive.

Link up to your data

Directual plays nice with pretty much any data source you can think of—APIs, databases, you name it. Get all your data talking to your portal without breaking a sweat.

Sort out who gets in

Make sure only your crew can access their stuff by setting up login gates and keeping out the riff-raff. Directual lets you customize who sees what so everyone’s privacy is airtight.

Put it through its paces

Don’t just hope it works; test every nook and cranny. Make sure your portal’s smooth like butter both up front and behind the scenes.

Launch party

Once it’s all shiny and bug-free, roll it out to your team. Directual’s got your back with tools to push your portal out to both web and mobile without a hitch.

Using Directual means you get a portal that’s not just functional but also secure, thanks to its solid user management and access controls. No headaches, just a straight-up easy way to get your ESS portal off the ground.

Case study: HR chatbot & platform

Peers, a headhunting and consulting firm made a smart move by developing a sophisticated bot to step up our game—with Directual’s help.

Here's the deal with Peers: they’re in the business of finding top-notch experts for big names in consulting, IT, and heavy industry. Started small, aiming high—matching high-level pros with companies that need them. CTOs, tech gurus, you name it.

In only a few months, a Telegram chatbot that's a matchmaker between top talent and the right gigs was made. Peers are targeting grads from elite universities and seasoned pros in industrial or consulting roles.

The chatbot just dropped, and the hype was real—even before launch, people were lining up to try it. Besides the bot, they’ve set up a landing page to guide users right to it. Directual's been the building block for it, supporting both the webpage and bot.

Crafting this bot was no walk in the park. It demanded meticulous planning to dodge any mishaps. The bot juggles three user roles—admin, job seeker, employer—tailoring interactions to fit.

Pretty neat, huh?


Building HR portals, employee portals, job boards, and whatever else you need to keep the manpower flowing, is easy. But only if you have what it takes, which, thankfully, isn’t a high bar anymore. Try Directual for your employee portal and see how easy it is to build wonderful things yourself. 
Want to get a headstart? Come see the community of our no-coders (and us!), the links are in the footer below. Thanks for reading!


Are custom employee portals viable?
Are custom employee portals viable?

Custom employee portals help employees manage their own administrative tasks, reducing HR's workload, and minimizing errors. With a centralized spot for everything from leave requests to payslip access, these portals make life easier for everyone involved.

Why is no-code development good for creating employee portals?
Why is no-code development good for creating employee portals?

No-code development makes the process faster, more cost-effective, and accessible to non-technical users. With drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-built templates, you can quickly roll out sophisticated portals without the need for coding knowledge.

Can personalized employee portals improve employee engagement?
Can personalized employee portals improve employee engagement?

Absolutely! Personalized employee portals can significantly boost engagement. Easy access to the information and tools they need will resonate with employees. Plus, adding a dash of fun and integrating with existing systems can further enhance their appeal.

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Ready to build your dream app?

Join 22,000+ no-coders using Directual and create something you can be proud of—both faster and cheaper than ever before. It’s easy to start thanks to the visual development UI, and just as easy to scale with powerful, enterprise-grade databases and backend.