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/ Market insights

Latest news and worthwhile insights into the state of the no-code & startup markets.

Mastering Responsive Web Design with No-code: A Comprehensive Guide

Responsive web design is a must these days. This comprehensive guide aims to unravel some of the secrets of responsive web design, exploring its meaning, components, implementation, and integration with no-code solutions such as Directual. So, go get a coffee, no-coder, we have a topic to discuss.

January 6, 2024
Eugene Doronin

The answer to all AI things: 42 AI platforms to check out in 2024

Your Hitchhiker’s Mega Guide to AI Platforms. Dive in, see what goodies you can use in 2024 that are also no-code and AI-powered.

January 3, 2024
Pavel Ershov

The ultimate guide to AI chatbots for ecommerce

If you are not using an AI overlord chatbot for your customer service, you’re seriously missing out. This complete guide will convince you to build one today.

December 18, 2023
Pavel Ershov

9 ecommerce marketing strategies done wrong

Abandoned carts out of control? Can’t get more customers for your shop? Too bad! Here are some more common pitfalls ecommerce businesses fall into and how to crawl out of them.

December 12, 2023
Pavel Ershov

A short guide to no-code project management platforms

Are you a disgruntled project manager tired of waiting on the IT team to build something for you? Do it yourself! This guide will show you how.

December 5, 2023
Pavel Ershov

Complete guide to no-code MVPs in 2024

Got a cool idea you want to turn into tons of money? You’re in luck—this giant article will help you get started, A to Z.

November 30, 2023
Pavel Ershov

DX as a competitive advantage—Directual’s take on UX vs. DX

The tides are shifting. First, it was the users’ whim that decided what comes forth and what doesn’t. Now, it’s developers who get that privilege. Learn more about DX and UX in this short article.

November 20, 2023
Pavel Ershov

Top 10 no-code platforms for 2024

Discover the top no-code platforms for 2024, such as Directual, Draftbit, Bubble, and more, each with their unique strengths. Learn how to choose the right platform based on your requirements. Experience the no-code revolution where DIY app development meets AI, reshaping the digital world for everyone.

November 12, 2023
Eugene Doronin

No-coding and startups. How does it work?

No-code platforms make starting a business easy and affordable. Got an idea? Turn it into reality without tech hurdles.

November 2, 2023
Pavel Ershov

Web apps vs. websites, no-code edition

Unpack the evolution and key differences between no-code web apps and websites in this guide. From the first-ever website to the rise of specialized SaaS platforms, get insights that help you decide which one you should build.

October 23, 2023
Nikita Navalikhin

Directual, document generation, and you

Got a whole lot of PDFs to create and too little time? You’re in luck. See how it’s done with Directual in a few clicks.

October 17, 2023
Nikita Navalikhin

Beginner’s guide to visual programming

Visual programming? What the heck is that? This short article will explain the brief history of simplifying programming because anyone should be able to create.

October 2, 2023
Pavel Ershov

The Best No-Code Game Engines in 2023: Coding-Free Game Development

No-code, but for…games? Is that a thing? Absolutely. For all aspiring game devs, we’ve made a list of top no-code game engines, with pros, cons, and whatnot. Check them out.

September 6, 2023
Eugene Doronin

What Is API As A Service?

This comprehensive guide is the logical follow-up to another long read on APIs. The goal of this article is to break down the complexities of the ‘API as a Service’ model to help you understand its functionality, benefits, and real-world applications.

August 23, 2023
Eugene Doronin

PostgreSQL vs MySQL: Which One Should You Choose?

Let’s see the sparring match between two database titans and see why people choose one, or the other, or something else entirely. After all, whoever does the numbers, runs the show.

August 7, 2023
Nikita Navalikhin