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/ Eugene Doronin

Copywriter at Directual

No-code and Eugene’s favourite hobby, Lego, have a lot in common: tons of building blocks that he turns into works of art. His writing and translating experience spans multiple industries and now helps no-coding become even more accessible to everyone.
No-code and Eugene’s favourite hobby, Lego, have a lot in common: tons of building blocks that he turns into works of art. His writing and translating experience spans multiple industries and now helps no-coding become even more accessible to everyone.

Blog posts by

Eugene Doronin

Top 10 no-code platforms for 2024

Discover the top no-code platforms for 2024, such as Directual, Draftbit, Bubble, and more, each with their unique strengths. Learn how to choose the right platform based on your requirements. Experience the no-code revolution where DIY app development meets AI, reshaping the digital world for everyone.

November 12, 2023
Eugene Doronin

The Best No-Code Game Engines in 2023: Coding-Free Game Development

No-code, but for…games? Is that a thing? Absolutely. For all aspiring game devs, we’ve made a list of top no-code game engines, with pros, cons, and whatnot. Check them out.

September 6, 2023
Eugene Doronin

What Is API As A Service?

This comprehensive guide is the logical follow-up to another long read on APIs. The goal of this article is to break down the complexities of the ‘API as a Service’ model to help you understand its functionality, benefits, and real-world applications.

August 23, 2023
Eugene Doronin

REST API vs API: What’s the difference?

Ever wondered what is the difference between a regular API and a REST API? Well, wonder no more. Check out this cut-to-the-chase overview.

June 13, 2023
Eugene Doronin

Software Documentation and No-Code: The Guide

Software documentation is essential because it can help users understand how to use your software, inform developers and other stakeholders about technical aspects of your project, and help ensure that the development process is consistent and repeatable. In addition, well-written software documentation can help improve the overall user experience.

May 20, 2023
Eugene Doronin

Most appealing color combinations for your next no-code design

Time to explore the colors of the rainbow! Step away from backend and databases for a bit and learn everything about the powers of color, and how to use them in your projects. A little bonus is waiting for our readers at the end of the article, too.

April 25, 2023
Eugene Doronin

Case studies by

Eugene Doronin

A chore & task tracker for children—built on Directual

Automating children’s chores—now that’s innovation! Discover the app that made so many parents happy, and as many children, behaved.

May 18, 2024
Eugene Doronin

Lessons by

Eugene Doronin

Integrating TON Payments into Your Directual App

A simple guide on how to integrate TON payments into your app on Directual.

June 21, 2024
Eugene Doronin

How to Create a Shopping Bot for Free – No Coding Guide

No-coding a shopping bot, how do you do that, hmm…with no-code, very easily! Check out this handy guide to building your own shopping bot, fast.

August 1, 2023
Eugene Doronin

Connecting Directual and Chatbot.com

Chatbots can be found in a variety of applications, including customer support, virtual assistants, and social media messaging platforms. They provide automated responses and can handle routine tasks, answer frequently asked questions, and even make personalized recommendations. This lesson explains the basics of using Directual synchronic scenarios for creating chatbots.

July 3, 2023
Eugene Doronin

Using Lodash and Sorting Arrays in Directual

We all know that no-code development aims to simplify the process of creating applications without traditional coding techniques. One of the tools that no-code developers use is Lodash — a JavaScript library with functions that make working with arrays, objects, and functions a breeze. This lesson explains how to use the Lodash JavaScript library for sorting arrays in Directual.

June 28, 2023
Eugene Doronin

Dealing with JSONs and Links

This lesson covers a few practical approaches to handling data in JSON format.

March 27, 2023
Eugene Doronin

Platform comparisons by

Eugene Doronin

Directual vs. Bildr: Who is the Boss of all things Web3?

Web3 is being touted as the future of the Internet. This new vision of the blockchain-based web includes cryptocurrencies, NFTs, DAOs, decentralized finance, and more. Both Directual and Bildr are Web3-enabled, but who is the Boss of all things Web3? Let's find out.

February 21, 2023
Eugene Doronin